Former Yugoslavia has endured many difficulties. Due to the Balkan war Yugoslavia split in 7 different countries; Serbia, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia & most recent Kosovo. This area endured 50 years of communism and sanctions. The past 25 years have been torn by the balkan war which happened in the early 90s. Many people have left their cities, many have lost their loved ones and as the result of running from the war we have many more refugees that are struggling to make ends meet. Many families suffer due to high unemployment & worsening poverty. The current refugee crisis is adding further strain and thousands of refugees from the middle east arriving in Serbia are in desperate need of help. Children & families need your support for basic supplies.
Balkan area has only 0.01% evangelical Christians who currently have a huge spiritual potential to advance the Kingdom of God because of the revival God has already begun.
Revival has broken out and a new desire for discipleship has been birthed, however, we need your help to keep this revival going. We have strategically established centres for training and Pastor Danijel has planted 52 House Churches since 2008. We are always encouraging and training new disciples to start House Churches, teaching and delegating ministry to others as the revival continues to grow. It is only thru the power of Jesus Christ that many are being saved, healed of incurable diseases and being water baptized.